

Semi regular blog posts about this, that and the other.

Putting the “Transformation” in Transformational Festivals Part 2: Who Puts the Woo in Woo-woo?

Part 2: Who Puts the Woo in the Woo-Woo? Please give part one a read if you haven’t yet. So… how is it that people involved in a culture premised on love, [...]

Organize and Die

Organize and Die Welcome, friends and fellow travelers. I am a community organizer, DJ, researcher and writer living in the Northwest US. This website is an attempt to wrangle my writing, music and social [...]

On Hoarding and Collapse

On Hoarding and Collapse I frequently wonder about how the inherent contradictions within Capitalism will play out over the long run. You know… questions like “will this lead to create a revolution birthing a new [...]

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