Semi regular blog posts about this, that and the other.
Authentic Organizing Against Oligarchy
Authentic Organizing Against Oligarchy "I haven't seen this many people at a protest since the Iraq War." - A friend at Tacoma's President's Day 50501 protest "General Strike! Boycott! Buy nothing on 02/28!" [...]
The Fires This Time
The Fires This Time "You should come over... no you should come over... but I have water pipes... but California always burns... every part of California burns." - overheard at my gym, 01/10/25 [...]
DVO25: Seven Mixes Celebrating 25 Years of Heady, Weird Dance Music
DVO25: Seven Mixes Celebrating 25 Years of Weird, Heady Dance Music. Soundcloud links in images. Free downloads are here. I first tried DJing in June of 1998, using a broken Technics [...]
Artificial Art, Creative Crisis and Capitalist Contradiction
Artificial Art, Creative Crisis, and the Contradictions of Capitalism Two versions of MidJourney prompt: "Dialectical Materialism Class Consciousness Artificial Intelligence Soviet Kitsch" The explosion of cheap and uncannily realistic Artificial Intelligence-spawned [...]
Twitter’s Techflation Test
Twitter's Techflation Test The shitstorm surrounding Elon Musk’s belligerent takeover of Twitter and subsequent “Twitter Blue” debacle is devolving so quickly that it doesn’t lend itself to thoughtful analysis. The service’s launch, satirical [...]
The Acid and Electro Revival, Black Joy and Working Class Resistance
The Acid and Electro Revival, Black Joy and Working Class Resistance I was recently messaging with Jack Coleman, a producer and DJ from Portland, Oregon, about his D.Vices Made of Stardust EP. [...]